Agency Updates: Import/Export deprecation and bugfixes for Preview and Richtext validation coming soon
Updates from last week:
Make sure import/export functionality is unavailable for users on April 30
Import/export will no longer be available with tomorrow afternoon's release. This was necessary despite the ongoing db migration in order for PageBuilder and Platform to be able to conclude the Media Library migration.
Goals for the next week:
We only have half a team member this week due to vacations and ongoing assistance with Platform work, so we plan to do the following:
Release bugfix for Preview not working on Migration Release
Here, we identified and not only fixed the migration release preview, but also the release preview, which had not been working previously.
Start fix on Richtext not matching the custom type model in some instances
In many richtext field configurations, i.e. enabling only bold or italics, or bulleted lists without enabling a paragraph, PageBuilder was allowing a paragraph in order to let the user create text with this configuration. The migration API was throwing validation errors due to checking against the models and seeing a paragraph was not enabled. We will fix this in a uniform way to make sure all services in our product are standardized to allow for such field combinations.