Agency Updates: Detailed monitoring in Grafana
Updates from last 2 weeks:
More detailed monitoring in Grafana for Migration API
Users that create documents via the Migration API can now view and edit them via the Migration release when using PageBuilder. They can also see the migration release on the version panel, making it easier for marketers to spot any other potential updates to a page they are editing.
Legacy editor is not currently enabled, so users will have to be on PageBuilder in order to use this new feature.
We are still assessing if the effort of implementation in Legacy editor makes sense, given how close to feature parity we currently are in PageBuilder.
Strategy for bulk action performance
We will finalize the strategy for bulk updates in the next day or two, and hold off on the concrete execution until db migration is completed as not to interrupt the crucial work on db migration being done in the platform team for now.
Goals for the next week:
Expanding shared demo keys for Migration API and Removing the Migration API waitlist
Due to increased usage of our one demo key for Migration API, as well as introducing some additional shared keys as a means to provide all import/export users with access, we began experience high amounts of 429 errors (timeouts due to too many requests on the Migration API) this past week.
To mitigate this problem, as well as to remove manual work around waitlist requests and sharing keys with users, we are exposing 6 shared keys for users to work with when making API requests. They can choose to use another key if they begin to experience 429s. Thanks to this flexibility, we will remove the waitlist requests for dedicated keys.
Help Migration API users, particularly those transitioning from Import/Export, achieve success quickly by providing a set of initial scripts for common migration steps
We have started creating example scripts for users when they are moving content to Prismic or updating content. We plan to release these scripts and make them accessible to users by next week.
Here's the steps we are covering:
- Extract information about images and links from source content
- Get assets into Prismic from source content
- Add media ids of those assets into document json in migration api format
- POST documents in Migration API json format
- We update links in documents via PUT request
Complete fix for keeping import/export alive another few weeks
Unfortunately, a week ago we discovered that Import/Export, due to be deprecated at the end of April, was about to stop working immediately because of the Media Lib migration wrap-up.
As we had already communicated a deadline of April 30 to our users, we discussed solutions with Platform and PageBuilder, landing on the solution of pushing assets to Asset API from import/export for the interim and plan to conclude this fix now.