Agency Update - Permanent tokens and Legacy Slice support
Updates from last week:
We released support for Legacy Slices in Migration API
✅Now users with legacy slices can create and update documents using those slices!
Released frontend to allow permanent token creation for Migration API in settings ✅
Admins can go to /settings/apps to create a permanent token that works for both of our write APIs, the Custom Types API and Migration API.
Goals for the next week:
Estimate effort for increasing the migration release limit to over 1k
Based on beta feedback, 1k is still not quite enough for big migrations, so we want to see how we could increase this before considering multiple releases.Scope work for making migration release default for POST and PUT requests.
We want to investigate removal of the additional parameter that is currently required to add and update documents within a migration release in order to simplify requests and create higher adoption of this valuable feature.