Made with love


by Prismic PM team

DevTools Sneak Peek April 2nd

By Côme Sabran

Progress last week

  • ✅ Every dev have a dev env ready to work on modelling limitations
  • ❌ Have an internal working demo of the simple caption in image field
  • ✅ in design, have a working prototype for groups in Slices
  • ✅ create a proposition on Tabs for editors
  • ✅ Warm welcome back to Lucie and onboard her on the new project
  • ❌ Have the bug with starters and default lang fixed
  • ❌ kickoff modelling recruitment
  • ✅ align on modelling multiple groups test scenario
  • ✅ continue opportunity mapping survey recruitment
  • ❌ draft empathy map for Dev Tools user segments research
  • ❌ Have the document “How to add a config option to a field” finished

Week goals

  • every dev can demo in his dev env the caption in image field feature
  • have the document “How to add a config option to a field” finished
  • have the bug with starters and default lang fixed
  • create linear tickets for "Multiple group fields"
  • finalise prototype and tasks
  • pilot prototype with lidija
  • kick-off recruiting for usability testing
  • continue recruiting for opportunity ranking survey
  • continue working on design proposition for Tabs for editors