Made with love


by Prismic PM team

DevTools Sneak Peek April 8th

By Côme Sabran

The master lang selection on the repository creation step

Progress last week

  • every dev can demo in his dev env the caption in image field feature ❌
  • have the document “How to add a config option to a field” finished ❌ It is almost finished but still needs documentation on how to work with the dev env. But it is not blocking and the team started the milestone 1 anyway.
  • have the bug with starters and default lang fixed ✅
  • create linear tickets for "Multiple group fields" ✅
  • finalise prototype and tasks ✅
  • pilot prototype with lidija ✅
  • kick-off recruiting for usability testing ✅
  • continue recruiting for opportunity ranking survey ✅
  • continue working on design proposition for Tabs for editors ❌ (we didn't manage to make progress here, as design is also working on a side track with Vercel integration)

Week goals

  • Still, every dev can demo in his dev env the caption in image field feature
  • have the document “How to add a config option to a field” finished
  • Goal for our first Milestone: have the possibility to add a Single / Repeatable Group for CT in SM
  • Goal for our first Milestone: Remove repeatable zone when creating new slice in SM
  • Have the prismic internal types updated for multiple group fields in slicesAnd we should add some for the M1 of "Multiple group fields" feature like
  • Decide if we will handle tabs while working on groups in slices.
  • Have done 3 first user tests on the Repeatable Group topic, and book 3 others for next week