PB Update - Starting the migration
By Guy Proops
Last week we worked on the following items:
Media Library
Added three end-to-end tests to the Media Library
Finished the shadowing set-up and prepared everything we need to start the migration
Worked on the cropper (It was our goal to ship last week but was not achieved. We will ship it this week)
Custom labels
It was our goal to ship the rich text labels last week. We are very close to shipping a first version and it will be done early this week
Integration fields
We wanted to work on integration fields last week but in our investigation discovered we need a backend service for this
Focus for this week
Media Library Migration
1 production cluster, 100 repositories with the shadowing in progress for this cluster
Release height and width in the cropper
Add 2 more end-to-end tests to the Media Library
Release the new search in staging so we can begin to test it
Rich Text
Release the first version of the custom labels and a quick PoC to check the complexity of inline/text based React RTF components which we want to use for commenting and to improve initial implementation
Integration fields
Alex and Chris to see if they can create a new service to unblock this track. By the end of the week we will have an estimate on when this work can be completed
We will test our new Search design with users - sessions scheduled to this week & next week
Evaluate how users interact with the new Search in Document list & identify any problems they encounter when using itLive editing
The intercept survey is still live - we will revisit the recruitment to accelerate the response rate
To understand the magnitude of previously identified blockers on a larger scale & to identify any additional blockers that may be influencing adoption