PB Update - Light Revision History
By Guy Proops
Last week we worked on the following items:
Media Library
Released the new search in prod on two of our repos for testing(prismic-main & prismic-main-se)
Changed the search-term highlighting logic so it used the OpenSearch directly and we now have highlights on meta-data
Made further tweaks to search logic so that it boosts filename and if there is not a match on filename it will boost a match on private notes
Implemented the add tag endpoint
Implemented the combo-box component for adding a tag
We implemented the tracking for the new Search. We are tracking two events (1. the search itself so we can see what a user is searching for and how long the search takes; and 2. when a user adds a media after a search we can see what position the media was in the search)
Team fixed a bug where .txt files could not be added to the Media Library
Revision history
Team has implemented the light revision history. This means that users can see all the previous version of their page in legacy wroom and restore a version in the Page Builder)
Document list
The team groomed the document list topic for Q2
Focus for this week
Media Library
Enabling the Page Builder to 100 repos in prod
Add the list tags endpoint
Add the ability to add a tag to a media in staging
We aligned on the first design for the new search. You can see a prototype here