Platform Updates - Feb 19. - Supporting the media lib release
This week, the team will have two major goals and one minor goal:
- The team will change its setup to support the media lib delivery.
- Improving our dry run to have it complete run in a couple of hours.
- Fixing the bug we had last week in production that created corrupted repositories for users that were using a starter and a master locale that was not en-us.
PrismicDB Migration
Dry run
We didn't meet our goal of last week about having 80% of the repo migrated in a dry run. Each run was taking more than 10 hours to migrate 16 repos. This is way too slow, we want to migrate 20k in a couple of hours.
Supporting the release of the media lib
Sebastien and Tony are joining the page builder team this week to support the release of the media lib. They will mainly work on migrating assets from the previous database to a new one.
We will use that experience for the full prismic db migration later.
What about the Prismic DB migration?
Supporting the release of the media lib will have an impact on our delivery. We will publish an update on Tuesday about our plan for the coming weeks.