Made with love


by Prismic PM team

Fresh news from your favorite team every monday

Platform Updates - Jun 03. - Starting the shadowing process


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

Platform Updates - May 27. - Preparing the shadowing process


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

DevTools Sneak Peek May 20th

Côme Sabran

Collapsible groups in Storyblok

Platform Updates - May 20. - Product adaptions (4)


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

DevTools Sneak Peek May 13th

Côme Sabran

Collapsible groups in Storyblok

Demo of multiple groups in Slices

DevTools Sneak Peek May 6th

Côme Sabran

Lucie demo-ing multiple groups in Slices

Platform Updates - Apr 29. - Product adaptions (3)


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

PB Update - Finishing migration

Guy Proops

This week the primary goal for the team is to finish the assets migration

Demo of multiple groups in Slices

DevTools Sneak Peek April 29th

Côme Sabran

Lucie demo-ing multiple groups in Slices

Platform Updates - Apr 22. - Product adaptions (2)


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

DevTools Sneak Peek April 22th

Côme Sabran

The new "Fields" section in Slices model.

PB Update - Releasing Search

Guy Proops

This week the primary goal for the team is to finish remaining work on the tags and have it ready to release the following week

DevTools Sneak Peek April 15th

Côme Sabran

The new "Fields" section in Slices model.

PB Update - Light Revision History

Guy Proops

This week the primary goal for the team is to open the new search to more repos

Platform Updates - Apr 8. - Product adaptions / Bulk Actions


Keep adapting the product to the new database and start integrating OpenSearch

The master lang selection on the repository creation step

DevTools Sneak Peek April 8th

Côme Sabran

The master lang selection on the repository creation step

PB Update - Search in prod

Guy Proops

This week we want to release the new search in production

Slice Machine responsive menu

DevTools sneakpeak March 22th

Côme Sabran

Responsive nav bar in Slice Machine

Platform Updates - March 18. - Document Search Adaptation


This week, the team focuses on accelerating the asset migration and adapting our publication system for the new database to support releases.

DevTools sneakpeak March 18th

Côme Sabran

Responsive nav bar in Slice Machine

PB Update - Releasing Integration Fields

Guy Proops

This week we want to release the integration field

Platform Updates - March 11. - Impacts of the Prismic DB migration on Search


This week, the team focuses on accelerating the asset migration and adapting our publication system for the new database to support releases.

PB Update - New Search

Guy Proops

Last week we successfully managed to migrate 1000 repos.

an example of an image with caption

DevTools sneakpeak March 10th

Côme Sabran

Caption in images: launching our modelling limitation Sprint 0

Platform Updates - March 04. - Running the asset migration


This week, the team focuses on running the asset migration, enabling a new search experience and adapting our publication system for the new database.

PB Update - Starting the migration

Guy Proops

Last week we sorted out the issues with the dry run and want to start running the migration

Platform Updates - Feb 26. - Getting ready for the media lib migration


This week, the team focuses on preparing for the asset migration enabling a new search search experience and adapting our publication system for the new database.

A piece of UI showing the new concept of Smart Copy Paste

Smart Copy Paste Demo & A.I enhancements POC


Last week, we finalized a V0 of our Smart Copy Paste feature and prepared a POC share-out around an A.I enabled Media Library. You'll find more on the details.

DevTools sneakpeak Feb 26t

Côme Sabran

Slice Machine Git Hub integration

PB Update - Integration fields

Guy Proops

Last week we ran the dry run for the migration. On Friday evening we managed to run it successfully without any errors.

Platform Updates - Feb 19. - Supporting the media lib release


We need to rework our plan for the Prismic db migration.

A piece of UI showing the new concept of Smart Copy Paste

Smart Copy Paste Demo & A.I enhancements POC


Last week, we finalized a V0 of our Smart Copy Paste feature and prepared a POC share-out around an A.I enabled Media Library. You'll find more on the details.

PB Update - Reinforcing migration

Guy Proops

We have Sebastien and Tony joining the team to assist with the migration, once they have joined fully we will have an update on the next steps for the migration

DevTools sneakpeak Feb 19th

Côme Sabran

Slice Machine Git Hub integration

black traffic light with green light

Agency Update - M2M fix for Permanent Tokens


Progress resumed after several weeks of delays

Agency Update - Continued Slow-downs


Continued slow downs due to permanent token, failing tests and issues in production

PB Update - Migration Update

Guy Proops

The goal for this week remains the same as last week which is to start running the asset migration

Devtools sneak peak Jan 29

Côme Sabran

Slice Machine Git Hub integration

Devtools sneak peak Jan 29

Côme Sabran

Auto-sync with developer sandbox (Beta)

Platform Updates - Feb 5. - Dry run


A first release in production for the new Prismic DB migration.

PB Update - Milestone 2

Guy Proops

This week the goal for the team is to start the migration on the Media Library

traffic light in red

Agency Update - Permanent Token Challenges Slow Us Down


Slow downs due to Permanent Tokens + Asset API

Platform Updates - Jan 29. - Managing clients above their plan's limits


A first release in production for the new Prismic DB migration.

Agency Update - Integration Field Support for Migration API


Support for Integration Fields in Migration API

Developer collaboration experiment

Devtools sneak peak Jan 29

Côme Sabran

Testing the GitHub integration desirability

brown wooden drawer

Platform Updates - Jan 22. - Preparing PrismicDB migration


A first release in production for the new Prismic DB migration.

Agency Update - Permanent tokens and Legacy Slice support


Create a permanent token to authenticate with the Migration API

group of people watching fireworks display

Agency Update - Releasing the Shared Key


Agency Updates - Dec 26 - Try Migration API Release

people sitting on stadium

Agency Update - Releasing the Shared Key


Agency Updates - Dec 18 - Try Migration API Release

Devtools sneak peak Dec 18th

Côme Sabran

Getting ready for Collaboration Beta and Q124 preparation

Platform Updates - Dec 11. - Follow up on the Bershka incident


Action taken to prevent another incident with Bershka

Agency Update - PUT fix and Shared Key


Agency Updates - Dec 11 - Shared Key

Devtools sneak peak Dec 4th

Côme Sabran

Getting ready for Collaboration Beta and Q124 preparation

people gathering during nighttime

Platform Update - Dec 4.


Christmas Season preparation

red flame

Agency Update -


Agency Updates - Nov 27 - Migration Releases are live!!

Devtools sneak peak Dec 4th

Côme Sabran

A small patch release and a lot to come this week

Devtools sneak peak Nov 27th

Côme Sabran

Introducing support of Prismic environments in Slice Machine a a new onboarding widget.

Agency Update -


Agency Updates - Nov 27 - Migration Releases are live!!

Migration releases almost there

Agency Update -


Agency Updates - Nov 20 - Migration Releases - for POST Requests 🤞

Iterate on slice and Smart Copy-Paste concept test 2


Our goal this week is to improve our Prompt to Slice feature to iterate on existing slice and research better the perceived value of our Smart Copy Paste concept

Devtools sneak peak Nov 20th

Côme Sabran

Weekly update from the DevTools team. Telling the story of our achievements and goal for the coming week.

white blue and yellow concrete wall

Agency Update - Pesky Bugs on Moving Forward


Agency Updates - Nov 13 - Moving forward with Migration Releases 🤞

Devtools sneak peak Nov 6th

Côme Sabran

Weekly update from the DevTools team. Telling the story of our achievements and goal for the coming week.

Agency Update - Migration Releases


Agency Updates - Nov 6 - Finalize Migration Releases

Platform updates - Nov 06. - Quick iterations


We've refined our iteration process to prioritize thorough testing at each stage, rather than making last-minute adjustments.

Devtools sneak peak Nov 6th

Côme Sabran

Weekly update from the DevTools team. Telling the story of our achievements and goal for the coming week.

A.I Update - Release of Prompt to Slice and next Steps


Last week we released the first version of Prompt to Slice to our users, we give more details here and udpate on the next steps.

Platform updates - Oct 30. - Shipping in Prod


First releases for the scaling of the Document API

DevTools Sneak peak Oct 30th

Côme Sabran

Weekly update from the DevTools team. Telling the story of our achievements and goals for the week.

PB Update - Release of Legacy Slices

Guy Proops

This week we are aiming to release our work on supporting Legacy Slices in the Page Builder.

Platform updates - Oct 23.


The weekly update from the platform team.

Devtools sneak peak

Côme Sabran

Weekly update from the DevTools team. Telling the story of our achievements and goals for the week.

test alt text

Agency Update - Migration Releases


Agency Updates - Oct 23 - Migration Releases

Scaling the document API


Scaling the Documents API to support the Migration API, future activity and features.